Working With a Ghostwriter

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Ghostwriting is when a writer researches and writes a content piece (article, blog post or even a book!) on behalf of a person or business without attaching their name to it. You may be surprised to learn how many celebrities, politicians and public figures have used a ghostwriter. A ghostwriter works behind the scenes to help them make it happen, and their names are rarely revealed!

While it may be difficult for some people to wrap their heads around the idea of someone else sitting down and writing for them, the process still requires a high level of research, work and involvement from both the ghostwriter and the client.

Getting started with a ghostwriter

A ghostwriter will discuss your writing needs, tone of voice, and content topics with you either over the phone or via email or online conferencing. They will also research your writing style by taking a look at your website, blog posts as well as previously published articles and content.

If both parties feel they are a good fit for one another and once a ghostwriter has an idea on topics and desired content, they will send a project proposal, which may involve writing and editing one or two posts or articles for review. This part of the process is a potential client’s opportunity to get a sense of the writer’s writing quality as well as the overall ghostwriting process.

When I ghostwrite blog posts, I strive to embody my client’s tone and voice. I read through their website, blog posts, any previously published articles as well as review any videos, podcasts and transcripts. I then work to piece together ideas based on their core value, mission and overall goal. An ideal ghostwritten piece leaves the client feeling like they wrote it themselves!

What is needed to get started with a ghostwriter

To get started working with a ghostwriter, work with them or have a list ready with topics, general subject areas or content suggestions. You should also have an idea of how many posts or articles you would like completed within a specific period of time. For example, are you looking for one blog post a week or a blog post a day? If you’re writing a book, what is your timeline?

Assuming everything goes smoothly and depending on your ghostwriting needs, you should be ready to work with a ghostwriter quite quickly after initial contact. The return on ghostwriting is usually many times the investment because it means clients have more time to focus on their genius work while a writing professional is taking care of their content creation.

Many ghostwriters are also avid social media and online marketers, which often means they can craft social media marketing messages and an email from a blog post or article they have written for you – the possibilities are endless!

To find out more about Virtual Office Resources ghostwriting services, contact us today!